While attending the "Walk of Nations" in the Co wichan Valley, I saw this amazing image between the crowds and took a quick picture. I turned to get complete look but the image had disappeared. A treasured glimpse….Since then, I have spoken with Joe “Bingo” Thorne. A War Veteran in Vietnam he has dedicated his life to those warriors who have passed on. He is the leader of the Raven Dancers who answer a call to heal. He has been Chief of the Cowichan Tribes, President of the Aboriginal Veterans, and was presented with the full aboriginal bustle. His life, his dance, and his costume are dedicated to the lost veterans of all nations. He created his costume for this purpose. Red meaning courage, white for hope, black for death, and the feathers for fallen friends. His face design changes according to the circumstances. He currently is councilor for the City of Duncan. This painting received "2nd in Show Award" from the Federation of Canadian Artists.